With our system the students train more efficiently in a shorter period of time avoiding boredom, over-training, staying motivated, fresh and injury free.
Periodization Training Method divides the overall program into specific and distinct periods, so improvements are made step by step, month to month, and year to year.
The Periodization plan is the athlete’s GPS. It shows us the fastest route, keeps us informed every step of the way, and through it, we find out if we are getting off track and how to find the road again. Looking at the way GPS works, the highly competitive athlete’s path to success is programmed in the same way. We have to know the final destination (a goal product of the Imagination) and the exact, honest starting point. That goal far away is the destination where the GPS has to lead us. For that satellite to guide us, it has to be programmed, not in our heads, but written out and logged on a computer. It needs a clear beginning and a definite destination, to avoid the athletes getting lost, or dropping out on the way. An athlete’s path is designed from the future goal working backward to the present. If the goal is to reach the stars, we have to precisely know what kind of rocket we will deploy and everything that the vessel will need. Only after every detail is covered, can construction begin. The project does not start by simply taking into account the parts that we have available now; it starts with the elements that we will need to assemble the future rocket.
With a Periodization Training Method, the students will make the most significant improvements, while also having fun, preventing injuries, and staying mentally and physically fresh. Each student needs his/her personal training plan based on his/her own goals. The method considers the different needs of all levels of players, from the novice to the professional athlete.
The students keep a journal with specific rating systems to help in the continuous evaluation of the plan. The periodization plan is always alive, and constant reviewing is imperative to keep the athlete motivated and on track. The Periodization Method is divided into three cycles: the Macro Cycle (the long-term plan), the Mezzo Cycle (partial planning in the short term, keeping in mind the overall objective of the Macro Cycle), and the Micro Cycle (includes the fundamental parts of the daily training). Periodization is a system where the athlete reaches peak performance at the competition through a systematic training plan. With the help of a GPS, we get there faster. Athletes advance through the cycles, and each Phase prepares them for the next one, focusing on distinct skill development. The Periodization Plan consists of six phases: adaptation, development, pre-competition, tapering, competition, and rest. We are talking about high-performance athletes, so pay attention; it is fundamental. The following suggested periods are at the start of the season. At the end of this first cycle, the next one is built. It would depend solely on the athlete’s tournament schedule.

The student, is adapting to begin training. Start with Low Volume-Low Intensity, increasing the levels of physical conditioning and information gradually.
This period should last three weeks (first cycle)

Training to adapt

Solid foundation in every area

Fun games to keep them engage in the process

Start working on technique

Live ball drills, concentrating on the contact point, and the right distance to the ball.

Low Volume, Low intensity

Physical, the emphasis in this period is to develop muscular and cardiovascular endurance

The training is done at a low intensity so that the students can concentrate on stroke development

2- Development
Technical, fundamentals of movement, and swing mechanics. The emphasis at this time is on the development of physical skills—high Volume-Medium Intensity.
This period should last three weeks (first cycle).

Developmental Phase: Training to Train.

High Volume, Medium Intensity

Practices are game-based and integrated

Emphasis on technique (fundamentals)

Repetition and Duplication for technique

Live ball drilling

Ball tolerance, consistency, and control

Video analysis. (self-assessment)

Physical, Anaerobic capacity helps the athlete increase muscle strength and improve the quick burst of speed.

The use of plyometrics helps the athlete build power and speed, improve coordination, and improve agility, effectively improving student performance.

Matches are not recommended in this stage since the students are concentrating on technique and basic skills.
3- Pre-competition
They are preparing to compete, the focus changes to cognitive abilities, more tactics, and match simulations—medium Volume-High Intensity.
This period should last three weeks (first cycle).

Pre-Competition Phase: preparing to compete:

Emphasis on developing tactical awareness and shot selection.

Understanding patterns of play

Styles of play

Daily self-assessment

Physical, Agility drills, start, stop, change direction, and accelerate with balance and control.

Students will work on tennis-specific movements, speed-work, accelerating quickly and running diagonally, forward, and backward.

High-intensity match-play simulation, students must learn to play under pressure.

Students must understand their style of play so they can organize their game plan or strategy.

Difference between strategy and tactics.

4- Tapering
Decompressing physically and mentally, lowering the training amount, frequency, and intensity to reach the tournament without residual fatigue.
Low Volume-Medium Intensity. The tapering is very personal.

This period should last one week.

Tapering Phase: lower the training load.

Low Volume-Low Intensity.

Live ball drilling to feel the ball.

Consistency drills.

Serve and Return

Sharpen weapons

Physical, short sprints, long stretching

Proper cool-downs

Massage for recovery
5- Competition
The emphasis on this stage is to reach the maximum and best competitive level. Low Volume-High Intensity. Using the Fibonacci Formula, the Athletes can play up to three tournaments in a row, never four.

Competition Phase: Training to win.

Low Volume, High Intensity

The emphasis is on reaching maximum peak performance

Importance of Routines, pre-match, during matches, and post-match

Proper preparation including nutrition, strategy, and equipment

Right attitude during the competition

Any technical information is counterproductive

Physical exercises are to preserve speed, agility, and power

Honest evaluation after every match (self-assessment)

Evaluations of the learning curve against the goals

6- Rest
A time allowed for athletes to recover physically and mentally. During the year, this period should last one week. After a year of work and competition
The athlete should take two to three weeks off entirely.

Rest Phase: Recovery

Recovery is the time allowed for the athletes to recover physically and mentally.

There are two types of rest, total rest and active rest. During the active rest, the athlete is continuously training at a very low intensity and low volume or cross-training with other sports

During the total rest, the athlete is away from any physical activity

The rest helps to avoid injuries and stagnation

The rest is critical to reaching maximum performance

Sooner or later, the athlete learns the reality "It is easier to train hard but challenging to take it easy."
Volume-Intensity manipulations
In each of the phases are critical to avoid injury and reach the championships without residual fatigue. Volume is the amount of time they spend practicing. The intensity is the Heart rate and Oxygen consumption. Intensity has nothing to do with Quality, which is concentration and attention.
Using a well-written Periodization Plan, the Athletes train more efficiently in a shorter period avoiding boredom, over-training, staying motivated, fresh, and injury-free.